
I love the freedom of writing

Friday, 7 October 2011

Oh dear! Have I scuppered myself?

Blogfest - Part 2

The second prompt for the #REN3 Blogfest has been posted.


In the second prompt blog there is an outline for the judging parameters...one of them being the number of characters...THREE, no more, no less. I think I interpreted the initial posting for this competition slightly differently.

Although I introduced all three characters in the first part there were also a few 'supporting cast members' which may feature too prominently and possibly go against me in the judging - oh dear! - and the final roundup of the three protagonists might be a surprise to those that are judging the submissions. 

I will just have to make sure the next few installments are super dooper good to make up for it...:0)

At the moment I will probably follow two of the prompts:
   Someone is killed, or almost killed.
   One of the characters is revealed to be not who he or she is.
I shall get writing later on today, already running scenarios in my mind.


Anonymous said...

I was worried when I saw the rules for prompt two this morning. Hopefully I'm still okay...

Sonja said...

Joshua - It's good to hear that I'm not alone on missing something that sounds pretty vital. :-)

May-Day_Aura said...

I think the rule is you could only have three MAIN characters. I asked the question about other characters being in the stories to Stuart earlier and he said it was okay. You just can't have more than three MCs and viewpoints. At least, that's how I interpreted it. Email the judges and see. =)

Sonja said...

May-Day - I think maybe I will seek clarification on that...thanks :0)

Sonja said...

Bornstoryteller...PHEW! Thanks so much for your reply. I was kicking myself for thinking that I'd missed something. I haven't worked my way through all the entries yet...but I did notice that some had more characters, some had even noted the main character to highlight it/them.
My blog is still in its infancy, but I will remove the comments moderation to take away the issue of whether it has posted or not :0)
Thanks again.

Barbara V. Evers said...

Dropping by to tell you I gave you the Liebster Blog award. Check out the details here: http://aneclecticmuse.blogspot.com/2011/10/taking-care-of-business.html